Hampton & School Lessons: An essential partnership
There can be a distinct difference between school swimming and a Hampton Learn to Swim Class.
School Swimming
Swimming at school is a component of the Health & Physical Education classes. We provide our expert Teachers to several local schools as Teacher Aides for these programs and wholeheartedly support them as a complimentary addition to your regular Hampton lessons. School swimming sessions are mostly based around the practice of movement for physical activity, rather than the purpose of learning to swim or swim stroke training, and are run in high teacher to child ratio: 1 to 2 teacher per 20-25 children with a PE or class teacher who are not necessarily field specialists. The delivery of learning will depend on the teacher’s knowledge and experience in specific skills Instead of swimming, lessons may instead be focused on life saving, water polo, or other aquatic games, which are all a wonderful benefit to your child’s education, though not a replacement for swimming lessons.
Hampton Swim Lessons
Our Hampton lessons provide achievement by working toward a set of benchmarks, with careful and individual monitoring of each child’s progress using our HSS action plan which focuses on technique, rapport building, comfort and safety in a structured format, breaking down the skills by trained, qualified and experienced Teachers with a ratio of 1 to 2 teachers per 4-5 children in SwimSteps, and 10-15 in Swim Squad.
To find out more about our lessons visit our lessons page here or contact us on sales@hamptonswimschool.com.au